Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun with Feng Shui (Part V)

I asked Feng Shui Consultant Sandi Powers this question: 

I'm on externship this semester and have my own cubicle at the law office.  My boss said I can keep personal items there.  What do you recommend?  P.S. I really want this firm to offer me a job at the end of the semester. 
Here is her response:

1.We have many options available to enhance your space and create positive energy.
The doorway into the cubicle is your career energy. Therefore, keep it clean and easy to get in and out of. Nothing to block the good Chi. 

2.From your entrance the  left back corner of the cubicle is your wealth and abundance area. Live energy, flowers, plants, wooden items.  Things reminding you of prosperity.  Things  for which you are grateful. Sincere gratitude will bring more to you. Enhancing colors would be purple, blue or green. If space is limited put a crystal to reflect your wishes and to diminish negative energy.

3.From your entrance the right back corner is your relationship corner. You want to build a relationship with your employer. A lamp or desk light would be perfectly placed here. If that is not possible  introduce natural items, pottery,shells, photos or figurines of  people,animals, pairs of things. Reds, pinks, yellows earth tones enhance this energy.

4.Fame and reputation is the middle back of the space.  Again lights, or electrical items, triangles, flowers, plants enhance this area.  This is the space that represents how you would like to be known.  Keep it neat, organized and pleasing to the eye.

5.Remember  none of the items or colors will get you the job. It really is placing what is pleasing to you in the right area with sincere intention.  Your sincere intention, hard work  and gratitude will create the life you want.

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